Astaria Capital Fund

High performance Fund management

The SP1 trading strategy is a quantitive algorithm which has proven profitable during a multiplicity of market conditions over the past 3 years of live trading

Performance Statistics

12 months ROR
Total return cumulative
Year to date
Max Drawdown
Max Drawdown 2022 (%)
3 month ROR

Strategy Description

The SP1 trading strategy is a quantitive algorithm which has proven profitable during a multiplicity of market conditions over the past 4 years of live trading, whilst simultaneously accounting for increased risk potential during strong periods of volatility, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SP1’s strategy is custom engineered via means of advanced financial mathematical modelling, as well as by means of innovative and powerful machine learning algorithms to exploit existing currency market insufficiencies, providing a robust return profile across its wide range of market operations.

Astaria Capital Fund

The founding of Astaria Capital was not an impulsive decision taken quickly: it was the direct fruition of years of industry experience gained in collaboration with a diverse array of fund managements and investment companies. Combined with a strong technological aptitude and established industry network, the formation of Astaria Capital was a natural decision.

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